December is a month for some significant birthdays in my life. My precious Mom’s birthday is December 6th, and we are throwing her a party this weekend. Two dear high school friends’ birthdays are December 2nd and 13th. I just attended a sweet friend’s surprise 65th birthday party yesterday. The birthday of one of my Godly mentors is December 26th.
Oftentimes, I ask those I really love a simple question before their birthday: “What do you want for your birthday?” If you are like me, I just want to ensure I honor my loved one in the most meaningful way. Isn’t that what we want for our birthdays…to know we are loved and cherished?
The most significant person in my life, really in this world, celebrates His birth each December 25th. Isn’t it wonderful that we all adorn our homes in Christ-mas finery and decorate the inside and outside with bright lights in honor of His birthday? We bake treats, buy gifts and send cards to our most significant loved ones , friends, and coworkers (and even strangers), and go above and beyond to volunteer and do “random acts of kindness” this time a year. Why? Perhaps it truly is all part of His birthday celebration, honoring the Light Of The World.
However you may feel about Him, one fact is irrefutable. History sets its time stamp of demarcation with Jesus’ birth—BC, “Before Christ”, and AD, “Anno Domini,” Latin for “In the Year of Our Lord.” Even the Old Testament prophesied Jesus’ birth (especially in the book of Isaiah) at least 700 years before He was born! Isn’t it fitting that we give Him our best as we celebrate His birthday?
When I was growing up, we baked a birthday cake for Christmas Day and sang “Happy Birthday” to Jesus. I will always remember those sweet memories. Let’s create more fun, meaningful birthday memories for the King of Kings.
So, on this December 3, 2013 AD, in the year of our Lord, 22 days before His birthday, I encourage you to ask Him a simple question: “Lord, What Do You Want For Your Birthday?”
Then listen…
I can almost hear His still, small voice, can’t you?
“Your Heart, Dear One. That’s all I want. Your Heart.”
- How will this Christmas birthday celebration be different from years past?
- How can we listen and act more intentionally after asking the question, “Lord, what do You want for your birthday?”
- “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” –Colossians 3:23
- “I am sending Him—who is my very heart—back to you.” –Philemon 1:12.
- “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the Truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply from the heart.” –1 Peter 1: 22
- After asking, seeking, and listening, what intentional actions in your life have you been prompted to take?
- Consider baking a birthday cake on Christmas Day and singing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus. Let’s party!
- Please leave a comment of what is on your heart.
- Check out the last verse lyrics –“In the Bleak Midwinter”
Great post Danya!
Thank you so much, Anna. I’m thankful you are reading my blog.
Great blog, Danya! Love this post, too. Many folks lose the purpose of Christmas & a fave tradition of ours is making (or buying, haha) a ‘Happy Birthday Jesus!’ cake to share on Christmas Day! Love it. Xo
Way to go, Leigh Ann. Thank you for sharing your family tradition. I pray others follow your lead. 🙂 Enjoy a holy, fun Christmas.
Little drummer boy is my favorite. The humble little boy who’s only gift he could give is to play his drums. He tells the story of our sweet Prince through that simple song. It brings goose bumps every time. Thank you for your encouraging words! Love you!