Drops of Encouragement, Post #10

 Happy First Transformational Tuesday of 2014!  Today I offer you two questions to ponder: Who was the last person who encouraged you? Who have you encouraged?

I am one  who forges ahead and doesn’t claim sickness. I am embarrassed to tell you I felt under the weather right after Christmas. OK, I was as sick as a dog—fever, achy, coughing, sneezy; my eyes even hurt. I went to the doctor and started taking some great antibiotics. It was a wonderful way for God to slow me down. I read and wrote and read.

I bought an economy-sized bag of Hall’s cough drops and found a pleasant surprise. As I was about to throw away my Hall’s wrapper, I noticed the words “A Pep Talk in Every Drop” and the following:

  • “Don’t waste a precious minute.”
  • “You’ve survived tougher.”
  • “Don’t give up on yourself.”
  • “The show must go on.”

I smiled. I even felt better! What brilliant marketing! What wonderful encouragement! I’m so proud of Hall’s.  I will buy Hall’s cough drops just for this reason.  (By the way, I feel 200% better, back to my energetic self).

If a simple cough drop wrapper can make me smile and encourage me, imagine what encouragement precious you can offer someone, even to a stranger.

Encouragement is such a gift. It is even considered to be a “spiritual gift.” See below from Romans 12. A man in the Bible named Barnabas had a knack for encouraging people. In fact, his name means “Son of Encouragement.” (Acts 4:36).

Have you considered  smiling at the Target cashier and asking how she is?

Have you thanked your mom and dad for raising you well and sacrificing so much for you?

How about complimenting the lady in the  Chick-Fil-A with the well behaved children?

Or what about telling the adorable little, elderly lady in the elevator how beautiful her scarf  is?

It might be the only positive reinforcement or encouragement he/she may get today. Today is your day to encourage, to be a Barnabas. Be encouraged, friend.

Hall's cough drop


–What is a recent example of someone who encouraged you or who you encouraged? Please comment below.

–How did that encouragement make you feel? Please comment below.


–“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us…if it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others; let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him to it cheerfully. “ –Romans 12: 6-8.

–“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” –Romans 15:5

–“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” –1 Thessalonians 5:11

PS. Happy, Shiny New Year! Today is also a great day to print out my “Creating Your Personal Mission Statement Template,” which is free by simply adding your email address and subscribing to my weekly blog.  My personal mission statement is “Shine,” based on Matthew 5;16.



  1. onalee Avinger says

    Glad you’re feeling better,but If I had known I’d of brought you soup!!!What another wonderfully written blog. Will work on my encouraging this week. I love you dear friend!!!

  2. Such an encouraging note to read on this cold day! Thanks Danya.
    Love ya,

  3. Thank you, Onalee. You are precious! Love you, dear friend.

  4. Gina, I appreciate your kind words. I should have mentioned the record-breaking cold weather–“polar vortex” day.