Finding Faith in the Fog, Post #53

My fingers white-knuckled the steering wheel as I slowly drove through the North Carolina mountains, cautious. It was nighttime, and the dense, smoky wall of fog enveloped the Blue Ridge Parkway. I had driven this stretch of road a hundred times, but never in this condition. My eyes strained to see past the hood of the car. No white lines could even be seen outlining the two-lane road.

My heart pounded. I prayed.  “Lord, I know You’re here. I know You’re with me. What I know to be true on a clear, sunny day is just as true in this foggy, dark situation.”

As I finally drove into the driveway of my destination about 30 minutes later, my lungs finally exhaled. I felt like I held my breath the whole perilous drive through those mountains. My hands were still trembling as I tried to get the key into the front door.

Once inside, I fell to my knees with a prayer of thanksgiving. It was only then that I realized I had just lived a powerful message, a sermon. The foggier nights result in deeper faith.

Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the Bible’s “Hall of Faith.” I love reading all the different examples of extraordinary faith, from Abel and Abraham to Rahab the prostitute. It’s the last two verses of that Faith chapter, though, that make me ponder the most.

“These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.” –Hebrews 11:39-40 NIV84

So many times, we think we are promised the world. Pretty prideful thought, I’m  ashamed to admit. It is only through our desperate dependence on Jesus Christ, that His better plan for us can be revealed. His better plan that can be made perfect ONLY when we work together with God.

Whatever circumstances you find yourself in today, know God is with you. The same God in the sunny, clear day is the same God in the foggy night.  May we be encouraged to find and strengthen our faith in the fog and in the SON.


–What foggy night circumstances have you experienced lately?  Please comment.

–How was your faith strengthened or weakened by it? Please comment.


“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” –Hebrews 11:1 NIV84


–Name three actions to demonstrate your faith you may live out in October and beyond.

–Please read your Bible daily to hear God’s voice and Truth in your life.



  1. I needed this today! I’m n a fog about a school issue. Thanks for reminding me God is with me!