Finding Faith in the Fog–Welcome, Friend!

Welcome Encouragement For Today, friend! Happy Transformational Tuesday!  How humbling it is to have you read my first Proverbs 31 Ministries devotional today. If you are joining Pure Inspiration for the first time, it would be so fun to stay connected. Please consider subscribing to my blog by simply adding your email address to the right side of this home page or by clicking here!

In today’s Proverbs 31 devotionFinding Faith in the Fog,  I shared a frightening foggy night last year when I doubted God. Just a couple of hours before I was so sure of God’s presence. Have you ever felt that way?

Foggy times often result in deeper faith.  

Like me, if you’ve ever wondered where to take the next step of faith, reading God’s Word provides the answers. Another encouragement is Lysa TerKeurst’s book, What Happens When Women Walk in Faith. I’m giving away two copies to encourage you in your faith.

To enter to win, simply leave a comment sharing one way God has used an experience of your past to draw you closer you to Him, or to equip you to help or comfort others in a unique way that glorifies Him. Winners will be announced and emailed on Tuesday, May 26th, 2015. Thank you!


“For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.”–Ephesians 1:15 NIV


  1. I went through depression and anxiety about 10 years ago, as a result of a chemical imbalance. Until the right medication was found, I can only describe it at a nightmare. But, I clung to God and came out closer to Him. He since then has brought many people dealing with depression and anxiety into my life. I have been able to minister to them and pray for them. God used EVERYTHING!

    • leslie gillet says

      Please pray for me. I am a 62 year old RN and Mom of 35 y.o. daughter w/ severe bipolar disorder. I have been through much severe trauma and abandonment emotionally related to her situation. Her first baby is due June 1. Please pray for me as a single grandmother who needs loving support as much as she will need support to care for this precious grandbaby.

      • Dear Leslie, I’m praying for you and your daughter. There is hope with Jesus. I was diagnosed “bipolar” twice, was hospitalized 3 times and was on about 5 kinds of medicine in the past for what the doctors called “Bipolar” and even more severe stuff. God healed me through His Word. One book that really helped me is “Battlefield of the Mind” by Joyce Meyer. By the grace of God and the power of His healing Word, I haven’t been on any medication for about 8.5 or 9 years, and I don’t have symptoms of bipolar anymore, as long as I stay close to the Lord and spend time with Him daily. Praying now for the grandbaby, too. God bless!

      • Dear Leslie, I and others are praying fervently for you, your daughter and grandbaby who is about to be welcomed to the world. You are a wonderful mama. Psalm 139: 13-17. Be encouraged, friend.

  2. Juls Humphries says

    When my husband & I married we had plans to have children in our mid 20’s maybe early30’s. As we began moving through life , life seemed to get in the way! We found ourselves in our mid 40’s being told by doctors make a decision now or never! Figuring I had one kidney; I had a blood clot a few years previous AND if we just then started trying for a family & couldn’t we’d be very sad. So figuring I could fill that “void” by volunteering at a school, hospital or church we decided to move on with life. About a year later imagine OUR shock when we found out yes i was pregnant!! I cried when I told my dearest friend and I said “why now? I worked so hard to move past all this, so why now?” And she calmly replied,”You my friend had to give it up so GOD could give it back to you! You hung on so tight thinking it was all in YOUR timing!” WOW–I was stunned!! Yes indeed, HE was in control all along, HE knew the deepest desire of my heart but I FIRST had to give it up! Oh how I stood amazed–in a fog realizing i was pregnant? Absolutely!! But when I stopped long enough to think about it all, and thank GOD I realized my life was a bit of a fog–so “sure” of how it would all be yet stumbling a bit aimlessly!! Through it all my faith has grown incredibly deeper/closer to my GOD–feeling so small & asking HIS help each day!! And seeing clearly HIS purpose in life through being a parent I am thankful in a way I cannot even express! thank you for allowing me to pour out my heart of my fog life to clear vision in living!!

    • Wow. Juls, your testimony truly inspired me. Thank you for sharing your story. God is sovereign. Your child is blessed to have you as such Godly parents.

  3. Betsy Hardy says

    Thank you for your post. We are walking by faith with raising our son. Each milestone, each regression. Thank you for the reminder that God is here for each moment

  4. Jennifer says

    Moving because of my husband’s job to Brazil was extremely trying time in our life. We had three kids when we left there and for when we came home because of our obedience to the Lord he blessed us with our greatest desire to have another child

  5. When my sister lost her battle with breast cancer I could not understand why! I still don’t understand but I gave it to God and he gave me peace.

    • Dear Kathy, thank you so much for sharing your “foggy night” story about your sister’s breast cancer journey. Cancer stinks. You have great faith. I’m so thankful God gave you peace, as only He can do. John 14:27. Kathy, congratulations! Your name was drawn (out of a bowl–not very fancy) and selected as a winner of a copy of Lysa TerKeurst’s What Happens When Women Walk in Faith! May it encourage you in your faith as it has mine. Will you email me your mailing address at I’ll mail it to you this week. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your story.

  6. I could write a book but in a nutshell, I think God has used the foggy times of fear and doubt in my life to give me the desire to comfort and encourage others with the same comfort I have received during those hard (ongoing) times. I also have an ever deepening prayer life and love to pray for others. I also became involved in jail ministry- something I would never have dreamed I would do.

  7. Patricia Anderson says

    During a low point yesterday, I read one of Lysa’s devotionals which talked about giving God my “first 5 minutes “. In my head that seemed impossible due to my overwhelmed life and soul. I awoke with a God whispered reminder that He is the same God that guides me when things are flowing smoothly. Soooo, I dove in and your devotional was my first experience with giving my first 5! My foggy experiences seem to renew each day with my work life. I needed to be reminded of my faith in Him in a big way! Thank you for walking in faith and sharing your story.

  8. LOVED your devotion today & I love your devotion to the One leading you each and every day!

  9. Vickie Spires says

    God very clearly lead me through helping a friend and her family through her death from liver cancer. I KNOW he was there because he gave me so many words that just simply were not mine. But now it has been 2 years, and I am struggling to see what my next steps should be. Some health issues have caused me to back off on some things, but surely God is not done with me yet? I just can’t find the next step! And great job on your Proverbs 31 devotional. I will check our your blog!

  10. Vickie Spires says

    I helped a friend and her family when she died from liver cancer, and I KNOW God was with me every step of the way because the words he gave me simply were not mine. It felt amazing to be used by God. But now it has been two years, and I have struggled with some health issues that have made me back off some things. Surely God is not done with me yet, but I just can’t find the next steps!!

  11. Michele Fraser says

    Thank you for your devotional post today. God has used many experiences in my 13 years as a believer. But the one that has strengthened my faith the most and helped me minister to other women is the long road of my oldest son’s drug addiction. 14 years of pain, heartache and despair for his life choices. It devastated our whole family. I would like to say I remained faithful and steadfast in my walk with the Lord but there were periods of time when I was angry with God. I had times where I refused to pray anymore because It felt as though it would never end. There were no more words for me to say. I was spent. However, I always returned in times of deep despair on my knees to where He was and He did some of his greatest work in my life. Pray without ceasing. God has shown me that He is in control and He binds up the wounds of the broken hearted. He is our great redeemer and our strength. We can do nothing without Him, I am thankful for the redeeming work He has done in my sons life. He is living a productive life now and serving the Lord. My heart rejoices! The Lord is faithful!

  12. Janice Palmer says

    Nearly 10 years ago my son was killed in a roll over accident. It 10 days before his 20th birthday. Difficult as that was God has used it to work through mr to comfort other mothers that have lost children.

  13. God has been faithful to me as I have watched my youngest son go thru a divorce & deep depression as a result of it. He has stopped going to church & was isolated for 2 years. God is bringing him out of this. My heart breaks for him but my God is faithful in giving me peace each day.

    • Dear Janice, thank you for sharing your “foggy time.” You are a good mama. Praying for peace for you and for your son. John 14:27. Be encouraged, friend.

  14. The Lord blessed me through your writing/devotional on Proverbs31. 🙂 Here’s my little experience: The first summer I was saved – 1999- I was so excited to finally know what homeless people need – Jesus. I used to think they needed money, but with the Lord, they have everything they need because He provides it. So I began talking to some of them on the streets and after getting to know them a little, tell them how loved they are by God. If they were hungry, sometimes give them food or take them out to lunch at a restaurant. It was through homeless people that I realized God speaks through people, too. Not only His Word, the bible, but through people – us, me. Often when I would leave after ministering to a homeless person, I left wondering if I just spoke with an angel or Jesus. Not every time, but every once in awhile, they would say things that I feel like only God would know about me. And through Jesus living in me and loving the poor through me and my husband, we have been humbled and grown closer to God’s heart, we have so many stories of God being glorified.

  15. Thomasina (ThomGirl) says

    Thank you so much for using your gift of writing to encourage others. Just from reading the blog title I KNOW that GOD truly loves me! Seconds before reading Encouragement For Today/Proverbs 31, I simply pleaded with GOD to just give me a glimpse of where He has me at this time in my life, as I have been feeling so LOST and left in the dark for several months. I wanted to know how I should proceed because I have been allowing doubt to consume my thoughts and I have been questioning my purpose for being here. So much has happened over the past 7 months, it seems too overwhelming to even think about. This place has really thrown me because I’m usually providing support and encouragement others in the things of faith and now it seems as if I’m unable to do this for myself. I truly thank God because your writing piece assured me that God IS ALWAYS with me even in this place if uncertainty and HE wants me to allow Him to help build my faith as a result of this difficult time in my life. My faith has been tested in the past but NEVER quite like this. I have copied the prayer and Truth For Today as a wallpaper on my phone to be constant strength-booster for my spirit. Thank you again ever so much for your support and may GOD continue to bless you!

    • Dear Thomasina, Thank you for your authenticity in sharing your doubt. I’ve been there also. The “Finding Faith in the Fog” message I wrote because I struggle with trusting God fully every day. God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6. Be encouraged, friend.

  16. God has used (and is still using) my situation in a toxic work environment to bring me closer to Him. I can really relate to your devotional today as I am currently wandering in the fog. Each day is a challenge to lean into and trust that God knows exactly what He is doing. I hope to read more from you Danya in the weeks to come!

    • Dear JayCee,
      Thank you for your encouragement and for sharing your “foggy time” at your work. You are a bright beacon of God’s Light in that dark place. Keep shining! Matthew 5:16. Be encouraged, friend.

  17. Tracie Nall says

    I have so enjoyed reading your post today! Just finding your blog from Proverbs 31 and appreciate your honesty and transparency. I have so often experienced the deepest depth after experiencing the highest highs and often become frustrated with myself for my “lack of faith”…your post was a great reminded that often those foggy nights are strategically placed after our brightest days in order to help us learn perseverance and to trust God who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow regardless of the external circumstances or environments we may be experiencing. I will definitely be following you in the future.

    I also appreciate your 3 R’s at the end of your prior posts. I would love to hear more about your She Speaks experience as I am preparing to attend in July.

    A Fellow Writer ~ Tracie

    • Dear Tracie, thank you for your encouragement. To God be the glory! I look forward to chatting more with you about the She Speaks Conference and will hope to meet you in July. 2 Corinthians 3:3

  18. Thank you for your “foggy” message today. About 20 years ago while driving on a busy summer California highway I lost control of our car and hobbled across the grassy, dusty median to the other side. I prayed, “Lord will you please steer my car northward so we won’t be hit head on? My mind went to losing our lives, our granddaughter’s life just at a time when her single dad was to be remarried. God answered my prayer by allowing my car to stop at the guard rail…going northward! And, He also went beyond that to clearing the highway of all but 2 vehicles who saw the dust and slowed down. Those people offered to help and we were able to drive to the next town with only damage to one wheel. I felt the sovereignty of God in protecting us. Faith renewed.
    Now my husband has terminal cancer and as the days pass I feel the fog encompassing me, but knowing that God is sovereign I’m sure he will clear away the fog and turn our eyes into the bright light that lies ahead.

    • Dear Joan, thank you for sharing your story. Praying for you and your husband during this foggy time. Psalm 46.

    • Joan, congratulations! Your name was drawn (out of a bowl–not very fancy) and selected as a winner of a copy of Lysa TerKeurst’s What Happens When Women Walk in Faith! May it encourage you in your faith as it has mine. Will you email me your mailing address at I’ll mail it to you this week. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your story.

    • Joan, congratulations! Your name was drawn (out of a bowl–not very fancy) and selected as a winner of a copy of Lysa TerKeurst’s What Happens When Women Walk in Faith! May it encourage you in your faith as it has mine. Will you email me your mailing address at I’ll mail it to you this week. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your story.

  19. God’s gift to me is right here reading all these woman’s comments. I searched for a devotion on-line because my favorite devotion got packed away accidenlty by a helping friend as our family prepares to move due to a relocation. I am humbled that I am not dealing with an illness or lose of a dear one recently that is testing my faith….it is a just simple but hard move. People do it everyday. It is tearing my family apart though—-7 children and 4 are staying back. 1 of the ones coming is fighting it and I feel like I am losing him to his anger. The only thing holding me together is this subtle but unshakable peace and faith that this is God’s plan. I have never had that strong of a “Ok God – I get it – this is where we are to be and we will go” I am grateful beyond words for that.

    For al of the readers here who shared such personal words of their lives – thank you – I am praying for you and blessed to see God working in so may. God Bless and peace.

    • Dear Kim, thank you for sharing your story. Moving your family is definitely a tough “foggy time.” God is with you every moment, every mile, every packing box. Exodus 23:20 is on my heart for you. God is preparing the way for you, your new home. Be encouraged, friend.

  20. Jess Anne Cole says

    I had a tragic life event which left me lost, depressed and full of anxiety. I didnt think I could make it through. At a women’s conference the speaker said when you are at your lowest all you need to pray is “Father, help me. ” He knows your needs. This helped me. I still struggle but I know He is with me.

    • Dear Jess Anne, thank you for sharing your story. Yes, God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake. You have mighty purpose for His Kingdom. Deuteronomy 31: 6.

  21. Amy Hearting says

    Most recently I have been struggling with keeping God in the spotlight of my life. I keep wanting to but in and fill my life with worldly things and busyness. I knew God was still there but most of my prayer times contained statements like ‘I’ll make time for quite time later tonight God’ and those times rarely happened. On Tuesday though I did make a little bit of time and my scripture reading lead me to from far away old testament books and verses about asking for signs. I do this every now and again, ask God to bless me with a sign or his will or presence but when I’m not giving time to God I feel silly for asking. I finished the short quite time and listened to some worship music on my way to work. I had put the idea of a sign out of my mind but then God showed up….sign after sign after sign. 🙂 I just felt showered with his love. He’s there loving us regardless of our actions. We can’t earn God’s favor nor do we need to. We serve a pretty amazing God!

    • Amy, thank you for sharing the reality so many of us share–busyness. I am guilty also. It seems my days go so much better when I start out in the quiet, listening to the Lord. He speaks through His Love Letter to us, the Bible. How sweet it is! Psalm 46:1. Keep listening in the busyness. Be encouraged, friend. We do serve an amazing God!!!

  22. Danya, thank you for sharing your beautiful story of courage and faith. It’s a great reminder that God often requires us to see with our hearts when we can’t see with our own eyes. 🙂