Be Strong and Courageous

Each one of us is facing something huge in our life. Today, may you be en-COURAGED to be strong and courageous. What are you facing today?

I have lived in beautiful, picturesque Charleston, South Carolina all my life. Born and bred. Last year the Lord called me out of my comfort zone to join Proverbs 31 Ministries as the Executive Director of Donor Development. It is a humbling, high calling. Proverbs 31 Ministries is internationally headquartered in Matthews, NC, near Charlotte. It was gracious that our dynamic leader and President Lysa TerKeurst allowed me to work from home in Charleston, travel to see donors, and drive the three hours to Matthews monthly.

For several months the Lord has been nudging me to relocate to Matthews.  To leave all the familiarity and loving environment of my family, friends, church, home, precious neighbors, and fabulous city is not easy. God is faithful. His timing is perfect.

Recently I read the Bible story about Joshua and have thought about it ever since. In Joshua 1, the tremendous leader Moses had just passed away. Joshua, one of his chosen leaders, had been called to cross the Jordan River with the Israelites into the Promised Land. Joshua was nervous, really more of a “chicken,” about his assignment. God gave him a wonderful pep talk.

Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go…Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” –Joshua 1:6-7, 9 NIV

Don’t you just want to lift your chin up, pull your shoulders back, and stand up straighter when you read that passage? I do!  Today, just keep repeating, “Be strong and courageous” as a breath prayer. “Be strong and courageous.” “Be strong and courageous.” “Be strong and courageous.”

God is with me as I transition to Matthews to be with my Proverbs 31 Ministries family. This is His assignment for me. He is opening the doors to make the transition easier. I am excited to be on this God-adventure. To God be the glory!

Whatever you are facing today, remember you are invincible when you are in God’s will. God is with you every moment. He will never leave you nor forsake you. There’s no way we can mess up God’s plan. Be strong and VERY courageous.


–What is the last experience where you felt nervous to face something or someone?  Please comment.

–How do you/did you feel after repeating “Be strong and courageous” as a breath prayer? Please comment.


–“Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it.” –Ezra 10:4 NIV

–“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.” –1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NIV84


–How will you respond differently this week when facing a battle or something huge? Please comment.


  1. Oh Danya, I am sad for myself but happy for you. We will miss you Sweetie. God has called you to “let your light so shine”. Be blessed!

  2. beth cummings beasley says

    Good luck in your new venture! I’m thinking about moving back to Charleston after being away for a very long time, Many thanks for all your comments and keep in touch!

    • Thank you, Beth! I will always remember you as the dynamic American Cancer Society leader for Colleton County. Charleston would be blessed to have you.

  3. NO! You will be greatly missed but I am happy for you knowing that GOD will go with you. Blessings!

  4. I am so proud of you! My sister lives right near Matthews. You will love it there. Please keep the devotions coming. Last week was perfect because just 2 days before that, I was hula hooping in my driveway and we were laughing our heads off. This week is perfect for us because we have had a very rough summer with Tim losing his job. We have had to remain strong, have courage, and rely on God. You are a light for so many. Keep it up!

  5. Stella Boone Corbett says

    Being in constant prayer with God, through Jesus, I refuse to let my mind have too much thought on a matter that would cause me to have negative feelings. Instead I go forth, trusting that Jesus is in front of me, behind me, beside me, and within me, guiding me through whatever He needs me to do. Praise the Lord, He has always been there!

  6. Stella Boone Corbett says

    Oh, Danya, you will be sorely missed here in the Charleston area. And, just as I was getting to know you. I do hope that you intend to continue your Pure Inspiration work. You are an inspiration to us all. God bless you in your new adventure. You are moving near to Clover, SC, where one of our daughters live.