Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out and Lonely

A Review of Lysa TerKeurst’s new book

This post is part of Lysa TerKeurst’s Uninvited Book Blog Tour, which I am delighted to be a part of, along with many other inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us, click here at www.uninvitedbook.com.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Sixth grade. My best friend and I were inseparable. We rode our bicycles each day that summer, climbed the magnolia tree in her front yard, played on the trampoline, shared secrets. It was the most fun summer. Until school started. Then she ditched me for aonther friend. She didn’t want to sit together at lunch, nor did she seem to have time to ride bikes. I felt totally rejected. It was my first recollection of feeling truly uninvited. There have been many more since.

Rejection happens to all of us in some form or fashion—whether it’s parting ways with the person you loved and thought you would marry; missing a leadership opportunity we hoped for; or feeling left out and less than by a family member or friend.

Thankfully there’s a recently-released best selling book solution called Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely. Our dynamic Proverbs 31 Ministries President and gifted New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst released the book on August 9th. At this writing it has reached #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List three weeks consecutively!uninvited-3d

This book hits on a raw place inside me, inside each of us. It has been a healing balm for deep places in my heart I didn’t even realize needed healing.

“No person’s rejection can ever exempt me from God’s love for me. Period. No question mark. The most beautiful love story ever written is the one you were made to live with God.   Imagine how differently you might approach each day by simply stating: God is good. God is good to me. God is good at being God. And today is yet another page in our great love story.” –(page.25)

We must declare to live a life filled with God’s love.

Lysa declraes in the book, “God’s love isn’t based on me. It’s simply placed on me. And it’s the place from which I should live… loved.” God wants us to live loved. (pages 30-40)



Lysa also has a way to make you laugh through tears. Right after reading a poignant, tear-jerking prayer at the end of Chapter 2, Chapter 3, entitled “There’s a Lady at the Gym Who Hates Me,” has me laughing out loud…

“There’s a lady at my gym who hates me. No, I’m serious. She sees me coming, and I can feel little poofs of disdain chugging out of her ears as her feet are churning eighty-seven miles per hour on the elliptical machine. I honestly don’t know how she goes so fast. I once tried to keep up with her. It was awful…” (page 27)

This is the secret sauce of Lysa’s writing. Lysa is the real deal. She is real, so authentic., hilarious. She takes us deep, then lightens the room with laughter, then takes us deep again in Biblical Truth.

She is my boss and amazing leader. Lysa is the same, authentic person sitting shoulder-to-shoulder in a meeting than she is on stage teaching God’s Word to thousands of people. She and her husband Art have been married 24 years and intentionally plan date nights on Sunday nights and family supper nights on Mondays. She and Art have five children–three daughters, and two sons adopted from a Liberian orphanage. She is an amazing wife, mom, leader, Bible teacher, friend, and sister in Christ.

Now back to the book. Of the 19 non-fiction books Lysa has written and two children’s books, she will call this her favorite. It’s mine also. She said recently that she didn’t realize how much this year she would need these words she wrote last year to heal her.

If your church is considering a new Bible study, I encourage you to order the “Uninvited” DVD Bible sessions and accompanying Bible Study Guide. The Bible study sessions were filmed in the Holy Land last year, and I had the blessing of being right there as she filmed. We had taken a group of 125 to the Holy Land for Lysa’s daily Biblical teaching in amazing venues. It was the most meaningful experience of my life. I pray you enjoy the teachings as much as I did.

Just like my “uninvited” friendship in sixth grade and countless rejections since then, I remind myself daily to live loved.

Even when we are overlooked by others, we are handpicked by God. In her new book, Uninvited, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst will help you live like you really believe that truth! You can get your copies by going to www.uninvitedbook.com or to www.proverbs31.org.

*This message is reprinted from the Charleston Mercury’s Carolina Compass, September 2016 Edition.

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