Holy Land Revelations Part 1: Great Wall of Prayer

Hi, Friend!

Please forgive me for not telling you about my Holy Land Experience with Lysa TerKeurst and Proverbs 31 Ministries this month. Surprise!

It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life! For the next few weeks, I’ll show you a few Holy Land candid photos I shot and some of the many, meaningful biblical lessons that soaked deep in my soul.


It strikes me as I approach the Western Wall–the Wailing Wall–in Jerusalem. There is a hush over this place, except for the sound of some women softly sobbing. Two things connect us all here, no matter our background, our faith, our socioeconomic level, our native language…

Prayer and tears.

I wait my turn to find a narrow place to pray directly at the Wall. One lady covers her face with a veil and backs away from the Wall. I take her place and fall to my knees.

This limestone Wall has become smooth over 2000+ years from the countless hands and foreheads pressing against it, fervently crying out to God.

Many of us from our trip had written prayers on little pieces of paper to leave there. I couldn’t believe it. All the rolled-up and folded papers, all the prayers, stuffed in every crevice of the Wall and on the ground below. .

I whisper my deepest praises, prayers and dreams, as I weep beside a lady wearing a hijab. Our whispered prayers create a soul symphony.

After several minutes of prayer, I prepare to leave. The time is too short but my spot is needed by the next vulnerable soul behind me.

We had been told not to turn our backs to the wall as we left. Several of us slowly back away in silence, savoring this moment of unity and peace.

Our guide told us that each day those prayers on paper are collected and buried on the Mount of Olives. If that is so, how beautiful, how powerful, how perfect that is. The same place where Jesus will return one day (Zechariah 14:4) is the same place all those written prayers are buried.

Friend, whether at this Western Wall, in the car, outside, or in your home, every prayer you cry out to God is heard. God hears you. God sees you. God answers you in His time, in His way.


When is the last time you cried out to God?


“As she kept on praying to the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard.” –1 Samuel 1:12.

“Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice.” –Psalm 130:1-2.

“And…the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” –Revelation 5:8.



  1. Dear sweet Danya! How I miss seeing you! This is so beautifully expressed and oh how I wish I had your God given wisdom and understanding as you taste, see, and experience Him.! Thank you for sharing yourself and please please know that you are such an important part of P31 and it’s donors. I printed this out to keep in my Bible and also shared on FBE FB- hope that is ok??? Please continue to share your love and your passion for our magnificent Lord- those of us who “feel” this but are unable to express it can live and experience “vicariously” through your descriptions, your heart, your writing…love you girl!

    • Thank you, beautiful Sue, for taking the time to read my Holy Land reflections. I am honored you would keep the one on the Western Wall in your Bible or even want to share it. To God be the Glory. The Holy Land is my favorite place on this earth. Being there has made me hunger for God’s Word like never before. Thank you for shepherding us so well. I love you!

  2. My mom is having a biopsy of a lump in her breast Thur. Morning. I know God hears my prayer, I pray his will for my mom is that this lump is not full of cancer. God does not want my mom sick, I so pray that she isn’t. She has never had cancer before and I so pray it will all be ok. I love her so much. I am single with two girls, she is a wonderful woman. Please say a prayer for her and thank you !

    • Hi, Kerri.I’ve been praying for your mom and her biopsy. How is she? Our Great Physician loves her so much, even more than you (and I know that’s a lot!). Thank you for sharing your prayer request about your beautiful Mom. You are a wonderful daughter and Mom. God has mighty plans for you.