The Sign That Freaked Me Out

It happened last winter. It freaked me out so much I hardly told anyone until months later.

I was going through a “dry-spell” in my faith–going through the motions. I needed a revival inside my soul.

Winter sometimes gets me that way. The long nights and short days at home affect me. Seasonal Affective Disorder “they” call it. SAD is a perfect acronym for it.

The Lord called me to Proverbs 31 Ministries  three and a half years ago. It is a high calling, and one I don’t take for granted. I love where I work and the people with whom I work.

With the rapid way the Lord is growing us,  it makes us desperately dependent on the Lord. I call it “growing pains.” The kind of growing pains that sometimes leave stretchmarks.

We have a God-sized vision to eradicate Biblical poverty–to inspire people to become passionate about Jesus and reading God’s Word. Our mission is to Know the Truth. Live the Truth, and we believe it changes everything.

When people engage with the Lord through the Bible, church, and our Proverbs 31 Ministries resources, we believe they can influence their hearts, homes, communities, cities, and states around them. It’s a huge assignment, sometimes intimidating to ponder and keeps us fully relying on Jesus.

That freaky incident, mentioned above, happened last year.  Our amazing Proverbs 31 Ministries President Lysa TerKeurst was the only female keynote speaker last February at the wonderful Kingdom Advisors Conference in Orlando. More than 1,200 Christian financial advisors attended this conference.

It was holy ground and such an encouragement to attend. Lysa delivered a powerful message on the spiritual continuum of only needing God, trusting God, and wanting God.

Afterward, I went to my hotel room that night totally convicted, crying out to God. I apologized to Him that He was not my sole heart’s desire.  I confessed to God that He is all that I need. All that I trust. All that I want. At that moment, peace came.

The last day of the conference was filled with worshipful sessions, praise and worship. I couldn’t take notes fast enough as I was hopeful about implementing some of these ideas professionally and personally.

When it was time to leave the conference hotel and head to the Orlando airport, a gentleman from Black Cab picked me up. I thought I’d have time to reflect quietly on the 45-minute drive to the airport. He seemed talkative.

“Oh Great,” I thought to myself. I didn’t want to talk. I just wanted to marinate on all that I had learned and experienced. Then doubt set in again.

Questions flooded from within me. “God, why did You choose a women’s ministry like us at Proverbs 31 Ministries to eradicate Biblical poverty”?

“Why us?”

“Why me?”

“Please give me a sign that I am right in the middle of Your will. I need You. I trust You. I want You.”

And then it happened. At that moment, I looked up out of my window. Written in the sky just as clearly as could be, was the word “Trust.” Shocked, I asked the driver, “Why do you think that word is written in the sky”?

The driver replied, “Oh, he’s not finished. Each day the skywriter writes a message. It’s different every day.”

The skywriter started the next word. “J.”

We were getting close the airport.

“E” was formed. Then an “S.” My heart is skipping a beat by this time. No way.

Then the rest of the word. The Name. Absolute shock. Tears formed.  I was speechless.

The driver must have sensed my emotion.

He said, “Today’s message is just for you.”

Teary-eyed I said, “Yes, He knows what we need just when we need it.”

Okay, Okay, I get it.

Yes, Sir, Jesus. I Trust YOU with all that I am.

Friend, if you have doubts, like I sometimes do, please be encouraged that God is with you.  He will reveal Himself to You when you need it most. He is the ultimate Skywriter on our hearts.

“Those who know Your name will trust in You, for you, Lord have never forsaken those who seek You.” –Psalm 9:10.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. ” –Psalm 20:7-8.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…” –Proverbs 3:5

PS. These are the actual photos I took from my phone as the cabbie was driving.


  1. Linda Henman says

    Just what I needed to hear today! Thank you!

  2. Tiersa Morrow says

    Love this story for several reasons. First, God put you in a cab with someone who was more talkative than you were in that moment – that makes me laugh and shows God’s sense of humor. Secondly he decided to write it out in the sky for you! Wow, how he loves you. Miss you!

    • T, your comment cracked me up! You know me well. Yes, God has a sense of humor. Love and miss you so much. Can’t wait to see you soon, maybe this summer in Boone. Spa day at Westglow? 🙂

  3. OMG I love this story so much! Thank you for your encouragement this morning friend! Xoxo

  4. So beautifully written and expressed sweet Danya! And just what I needed for myself today as I am working with the Lord to “just trust Him!”. You are clearly “doing a great work” for the Lord both in your personal life and at P31! Love you- hope to see you again “someday”-

  5. Katie Booker says

    Wonderful testimony!! God gave you the sign you asked for when you needed it most. We serve an awesome God!

  6. Love it! You are such an inspiration to others!

  7. Shelley Sisson says

    thank you for sharing your story & the amazing pictures! God is sooo good

  8. Beautiful love from our beautiful, personal Jesus! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Wow! Just wow! L💗ved reading your story and God’s message in the sky. Our God is so good and knows just what we need! It’s incredible that He sees us, speaks personally, and does do with impeccable timing. May we keep our hearts pure before Him, for the pure in heart will surely see God and be blessed (Matthew 5:8). Love you, Danya. 😊💞🙌