Holy Week Lessons Learned from Jesus–Bend Low

As we quarantine this Easter week during this COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to let ourselves become fearful. As I focus on the Bible passages from Palm Sunday to Jesus’ death and resurrection, Jesus modeled so many courageous leadership lessons for all of us. One is the example Jesus demonstrates of His humility as He bends lower and lower.

It’s easy to focus on Palm Sunday. The crowd celebrated Jesus as Messiah, waving palm branches and singing “Hosanna.” (Matthew 21:1-11). Jesus rode in on a donkey, the symbol of humility prophesied in Zechariah 9:9. You would think the Messiah would have ridden in on a stallion. Not our wonderful Messiah, not Jesus.

Right after Palm Sunday’s sweet welcome, though, Jesus demonstrated righteous anger at the Temple in Jerusalem. He was upset that the money changers were charging people money for animals for sacrifices. Jesus showed righteous anger and overturned the tables of the money changes. “‘It is written,’ he said to them, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.'” (Matthew 21:12-13).  He cleansed the Temple and wants us to keep ourselves pure as well. 

Fast forward to Thursday night. Jesus wanted to celebrate Passover with His disciples. During His ministry, including the last days before His horrible death and glorious Resurrection,  Jesus optimized every moment trying to teach, train and empower his dense, yet teachable disciples. What a Leader, the best Leader of all time. Jesus wanted to ensure He conveyed all He could. In His mind and heart, He knew it was the Last Supper.

In our minds and hearts, it was the First Communion, the first Lord’s Supper. He taught His disciples that the bread is

“My body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19b) That the wine is His “blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:28).

How do you feel when you take communion?   If you’re like me, I admit I sometimes take it for granted.  As we quarantine in our homes this Easter, let’s take communion. May we prayerfully savor the bread and cup with deep gratitude each time we are blessed to take communion.

That same Thursday night, in a poignant scene in John 13 of unconditional love and humility, Jesus stooped down low to wash His disciples’ feet. They didn’t want Him to, mind you. Feet are gross. He was teaching them, sweetly, softly, tenderly, what it means to be a servant leader. To bend low to raise others high.  The upside-down leadership pyramid.

“Truly, truly I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” (John 13:16 ESV)



–How would you imagine Jesus riding into Jerusalem as our Messiah?

–Have you considered symbolically washing others’ feet? Are you a servant leader?


–“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” –John 3:!6 KJV


–What leadership lessons may we learn from Jesus?


  1. Lana Beckley says

    What a blessing to be part of the body of Christ, to receive the Lord’s sacrifice. Does this not take you back to Israel where we had communion? Thank you for sharing and reminding us of this eternal blessing. Happy Easter! Stay healthy. The Lord has so much more for you to do.

    • Lana, it’s great to hear from you. Yes, it takes me back to Israel where we had communion near Golgotha and the Garden Tomb–unforgettable. Jesus is our Passover Lamb. Happy Easter, friend. Thank you for your love and encouragement. He is risen, indeed!

  2. Good morning Danya. So enjoyed and appreciate your Pure Inspiration for today- Holy Wednesday. We are trying to keep our focus on Jesus’s Week every day as we reach Easter. Having traveled in Israel, it is making me even more determined to walk with Him through each moment of His days this week. Yes, am thinking how I can “wash my neighbors feet” this week in reminding those immediately around me of His great sacrificial love. Hope you are doing well. Miss “seeing” you!

    • It is wonderful to hear from you, precious Sue. I’ll always remember experiencing the Holy Land with you and Russ as we walked where Jesus did. You are such a bright light for Jesus. You are a beautiful foot-washer to all of us. God has mighty continued plans for you both. Happy Resurrection weekend, friend. He is risen, indeed!