Christmas Miracles–Right on Time, Part 1

Hi Friends,

Happy Saturday before Christmas. There is so much of my story and so many messages I want to write and say to you, but with prepping for Christmas, time is short. Last week we talked about Zechariah and Elizabeth.  This brief outline is Part 1 of  a new Christmas Bible Study I wrote called Christmas Miracles: Right on Time. Please enjoy and share.

These reflective questions have been so convicting. I’d love to hear your answers in the comments or how God is speaking to you.

  1. Birth of John the Baptist Foretold–Luke 1
    1. Zechariah and Elizabeth–Old and Barren –Was God Too late?
    2. Afraid and Doubting. V 18 Gabriel
      1. How shall I know this? (I-centered) –How many of us want a sign?
      2. How many times have we been silent because we doubt?
    3. Silenced and Surrendered v. 20-23. Behold you will.
  1. Birth of Jesus Foretold
    1. Joseph and Mary–Young and Fertile—Was God Too early?
    2. Humble and Questioning. V. 31 Gabriel
      1. How will this be? (God centered)
      2. Do I trust God to do what He says/promises?
    3. Speaking and Surrendered v. 38
      1. Behold I Am –Confident.
      2. Gabriel 7 bold words—For Nothing will be Impossible with God.
      3. V. 38—In what situation in our lives do we need to declare that nothing will be impossible with God?
  1. Soul Sisters Mary And Elizabeth
    1. Encouraging v42
    2. Humble v 43
    3. Joyful v 44
    4. Faithful v45
  1. Mary’s Song of Praise
    1. Focus on blessings, not circumstances v47-49
    2. Focus on others, not yourself v50-52
    3. Bless others even when you need blessing. V53-56
  1. Birth of John the Baptist
    1. Do what God tells you, not the crowd. V57-61
    2. God gives us a voice when we are doing His will. V62-80

Part 2 next week AND I promise before the end of December I’ll tell more of the raw, tender testimony with loving my addicted cousin Mark. It’s so hard to unearth those feelings and write more of the story.

Until then, thank you for marinating on the story of Jesus and John the Baptist’s birth as we prepare our hearts and minds and homes for Christmas. Love you.