Treasure Talk 3:  How To Buy/Build Your Vacation Home or Investment Property 


Hi Friends! It’s been a minute (over a month) since I wrote the last message and Treasure Talk. With the start to Lent last month, I haven’t written as much.  I hope this last Treasure Talk blesses and encourages you before I send some Easter messages over the next few weeks.

I still can’t believe it. It’s been 12 years since Mount Sinai Cabin was built on a little less than an acre of land in Boone, NC. It’s been such a blessing. A friend of mine asked me to tell this story of how Mount Sinai Cabin came to be. I’ve never written this story down until now. 

Until 2020, my whole career I’ve lived on a non-profit salary. I learned to squeeze a dollar until it squeaked. My financial advisor Jody asked me the first time we met about 20 years ago, “What are your dreams?” I remember telling him about wanting a cash reserve, paying for my child (children’s) college, and also to buy or build a vacation home in Boone, NC  when I’m married and close to retirement. I almost flinched saying those words out loud, but he didn’t. He took copious notes and said “Good.” 

Every six months we met to review my small  investments and go over the progress toward those dreams. Friends, I hope two words encourage you as you invest–COMPOUND INTEREST. I would invest a small amount each month, but over time it adds up. 

During one of our review sessions in 2005, we got to the dream about “building a vacation home on Boone, NC when I’m married and close to retirement.” Jody looked at me and surprised me. He said “Why don’t you buy a piece of land now and build on it later?” I was shocked. The thought had never crossed my mind. I only thought it was possible AFTER I was married and close to retirement. 

“How much can I even offer to buy land?” He did some calculations and gave me a price range. I had no clue it that would even buy enough land to build a vacation investment home on. 

My friend in Boone provided a realtor’s name–Greg. I remember calling Greg and saying “I’m a single female, and I’d like to buy land.” So dorky. Anyway, when he asked the price range, I remember cringing when I told him the amount, thinking he may laugh. He didn’t. He said he’d pull some land listings up and email them to me. 

Two weeks later I was in Boone meeting with the realtor on a July 2005 Friday, and we looked at different land sites. The third one we looked at seemed right. It was slightly less than an acre, fully wooded and with a beautiful view of rolling hills and cows. I quietly prayed, “Lord, I have no idea what I’m doing. If this is Your will, make it peaceful and guide me each step or shut the door of opportunity.” 

I knew i was supposed to make an offer on the land. Greg contacted the other realtor to make an offer. A few hours later I received a call from Greg that the owners of the land wanted to meet me to hear my intentions of the land. It was such a sweet, peaceful meeting with them. We went back to Greg’s realty office on Main Street, Blowing Rock and drew up the offer letter. 

I headed back home down the mountain to Charleston. Greg called and they didn’t even counter my offer! Only God!

The closing was a smooth, peaceful process. The Lord guided each step. It is a miracle that this 34-year-old single lady on a non-profit salary could purchase land in another state that would one day hold a sanctuary called Mount Sinai Cabin. Some of you may know how much I love Moses as a leader in the Bible, which is where the name Mount Sinai comes from. I’ll tell you in the next Treasure Talk more about how much meaning it has for m.

I also love the story of the 12 spies in the Old Testament who Moses sent out to explore new territory of the Promised Land. Of the 12 spies, only Joshua and Caleb came back with positive reports. The other 10 spies focused on the giants of the land versus how amazing the land is.

“But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.” –Numbers 13:30 ESV

 I love the courage of Caleb and Joshua, and 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, they were the only ones out of more than two million Israelites who were able to enter the Promised Land because of their faithfulness. Friend, we will always have giants in our lives, no matter what our “Promised Land” is. Keep going, friend. Have courage and keep going. 

In our next installment of  Treasure Talk after Easter, I’ll talk about the story and practical steps for how the Lord and I built Mount Sinai Cabin as a retreat sanctuary. It was built in the middle of the recession and has been rented out as an investment property for 11 years through VRBO and Airbnb. More to come, friend. 

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